ศ. ดร. Neil Willey
University of the West of England
My primary areas of expertise are plant physiology and doctoral education. I'm the author of Environmental Plant Physiology (2016, Garland Scientific) and have been Director of the UWE Graduate School since 2012. My research focuses on plants and ionising radiation, including the uptake and effects of a range of radioisotopes in agricultural and natural ecosystems. Over the last 25 years my research has been funded by UWE, MAFF, BNFL, the Leverhulme Trust, the BBSRC, NERC, the Environment Agency and Radioactive Waste Management Ltd. I was a member of the TREE consortium which was a large multi-institutional radioecological research programme funded by NERC, the EA and RWM. I'm Chair of the organising committee of the UK Co-ordinating Group for Environmental Radioactivity (COGER).