




We are together for future: Promoting of Raising Public Awareness on Environment through International Photo Competition and Exhibition





We are currently facing several environmental problems and dealing with a shortage of natural resources. The global crisis of the environment also is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. Although many factors play a role in the explosion of environmental problems, some warrant more such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, public health issues, and ocean crisis. Therefore, we all need to take proactive steps toward reducing problems to preserve the planet and protect the environment for our future generations. In the achievement of protecting our environment and the earth, promoting raising public awareness of environmental crises to stimulate public action for reducing problems is important to support. 

Over the years, science museums and centers have played a significant role in encouraging public engagement with environmental science and reinforcing public awareness of global crises. Hence, the National Science Museum, Thailand (NSM, Thailand) as a part of lifelong learning and awareness-raising of science wants to point out the importance of promoting public awareness of environmental issues among people to stimulate public engagement in the sustainable development of nature and the environment for our future.

Since 2017, NSM Thailand has established the “Symposium on Science Festival” for sharing experiences from science museums and centers in ASEAN Plus Three to promote public awareness of SDGs. Then, in 2019, all participants of the symposium agreed with establishing a collaboration project to promote public awareness of SDGs. They had selected SDG 6: Clean Water Sanitation and SDG 14: Life below Water to prioritize promoting public awareness of both issues. They proposed the International Photos Exhibition: “The River Beauty and Science”. This photo exhibition demonstrated the beauty of rivers and water resources from many countries at the National Science and Technology Fair, Thailand 2020. 

In the success of reinforcing public awareness of the environmental crisis, continuously promoting public awareness is a key to encouraging people. Therefore, NSM, Thailand, collaborated with the partnerships such as IUCN Thailand, BDNA, ASPAC, and science centers and museums in ASEAN Plus Three, which have the enthusiasm to motivate people to realize the crisis of the environment had launched the International Photo Competition 2021. The Ocean Decade has opted for the key theme of the 2021 International Photo Competition and Exhibition. This project had great success with receiving more than 500 photos from 350 photographers around the world. The exhibition was shown at the National Science and Technology Thailand 2021 in November 2021. Therefore, we continue this project, the 2022 International Photo Competition: Flow of Beauty: Interconnecting Folks and Living Creatures during March – July 2022. 

This presentation would like to share how partnership matters for encouraging people's awareness and taking some action to prevent the planet and reduce factors of environmental crisis. This presentation will be the inspiring ideas of the collaboration between science museums and centers to promote public awareness on the climate crisis, and how to confront and reduce problems of the environment together. Furthermore, this will be the opportunity to kick-off the international collaboration for our sustainable world.



Bursa, Türkiye


4 - 7 October 2022




Asia Pacific Network of Science and Technology Centres (ASPAC)




