ความหลากชนิดและถิ่นที่อยู่อาศัยของสัตว์สะเทินน้ำสะเทินบกและสัตว์เลื้อยคลานในอุทยานแห่งชาติน้ำตกพลิ้ว จังหวัดจันทบุรี
Species Diversity and Habitats of Amphibians and Reptiles at Namtok Phliu National Park, Chanthaburi Province
This species diversity study was carried out in 3 habitat types: moist evergreen forest (3 sites); rubber plantation with evergreen succession of moist evergreen forest community (1 site); and rubber plantation (1 site). It revealed 22 amphibian species, which were classified into 2 orders, 5 families and 15 genera, and 57 reptile species, which were classified in 2 order, 12 families and 43 genera, giving a grand total of 79 species. Comparisons of individual numbers, species numbers and diversity indices of amphibians among sites showed that the Namtok Makok site had the highest values of these parameters. Concerning the reptiles, Namtok Trong Nong Lang plots had the highest individual numbers, the rubber plantation had the highest species numbers and the highest diversity index was seen in the Namtok Makok plot. Comparison of the similarity indices of amphibians among habitat types indicated that the indices differed strongly among them, while those of reptiles were close to one another. Statistical analyses of individual numbers, species numbers and diversity indices of amphibians among seasons, revealed that individual numbers and species numbers of amphibians in the dry season were significantly different to those of the wet season; while the diversity indices were not significantly different at 0.05. The analyses of individual numbers, species numbers and diversity indices of reptiles among the seasons showed non-significant differences at 0.05. Dealing with the relationships between amphibians and environmental factors, it was found that individual numbers, species numbers and diversity indices showed positive relationships to monthly average temperatures, but negative to relative humidity and monthly average precipitation at a 0.05 significance level. The relationships between reptiles and environmental factors showed a negative relationship between individual numbers and average temperature, but positive relationship between species numbers and diversity indices and monthly average temperature at a significance level of 0.01. It was also found that there were negative relationships between species numbers and diversity indices and relative humidity and monthly average precipitation at a significance level of 0.05.
ศูนย์พันธุวิศวกรรมและเทคโนโลยีชีวภาพแห่งชาติ (ไบโอเทค)